Adding Metadata

You can optionally pass metadata. In this example we add the standard MAP keys app and type along with a geotag context with geohash and context fields to tag an inscription at a specific location.

// set fee rate
const satPerByteFee = 0.05

// inscription
const inscription =  { dataB64: fireShard,  contentType: "model/gltf-binary" }

// Define MAP keys as a JSON object
const metaData = { app: "ord-demo", type: "ord", context: "geohash", geohash: "dree547h7" }

const tx = createOrdinal(utxo, ordinalDestinationAddress, paymentPk, changeAddress, satPerByteFee, inscription, metaData);

app - is publicly shown in the tx. Should be the app or platform name making the inscription.

context = is a standard field making the tags apply to a particular type of identifier, in this case a geohash.

geohash - is a standard geohash string referring to a location.

both createOrdinial and sendOrdinal can optionally take metadata.

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